Saturday, January 3, 2009

MeRRy ChRisTMas!!

We had a very wonderful Christmas here in Colorado. It has been many years since we have had a white Christmas. I was excited when Owen needed to go out and shovel the sidewalk and driveway in the afternoon.

Kendyllee in a true Jensen. She and her daddy were both wide awake at 6 am. I was hoping to get to sleep in. I do not know what I was thinking. This is the first year Owen and I have waited till morning to open presents. We usually rip into them at midnight and then we are able to sleep in. Kendyllee was not quite sure what to think of everything. She was just happy daddy and mommy were both home when she woke up.

Here are some before and after pictures. Notice how nice and clean the front room is. Just wait and explosion is about to happen.


Kendyllee sitting amongst the disaster wondering what is going on.
We had a fabulous day. Just stayed in and watched movies and ate junk food.