Monday, September 7, 2009

Letting go of my step at a time

So this last week or two, Kendyllee has really grown up. She understands what you are saying most of the time and is willing to help out and do what you ask. A couple months ago, Owen asked me when I was going to stop using the monitor. I told him that I was not ready yet, since she is across the house from us. But then one night about a week ago, I forgot to turn the receiver on in our room. And guess what? We both lived thru the night. And I have not turned it on since then, so I am going to pack that up today and put it away. I figure now that she is old enough to get out of her bed and yell for me, it is time. We also started brushing her teeth on Friday. The Dr wanted me to wait and start after her last two teeth broke thru the gums so I did not irritate her mouth any more than it already was. Since they broke thru last weekend, I wanted to start brushing her teeth twice a day. We do it after we fix her hair in the mornings and then after her bath when we are brushing her hair at night. She seems to like it and loves the taste of the Mixed Berry toothpaste that came with her first toothbrush. I am just having a hard time with this whole growing up thing. Owen and I talked about it over the weekend. It seems like just yesterday that she was born and we were holding her for the first time and now she is telling us "NO NO" when we are doing something she does not want us to do. I love that she is becoming her own person, I just do not know if we are ready for this part. I just want to hold her like I used to when she was little.

I guess this is what being a parent is all about. I am sure that there are some of you that are reading this and thinking..."Well Duh!" And Mom and Cynthia, I am sure you are thinking that it was just yesterday you both were holding us for the first time. But that to me is reassuring. Because then I know that I am not the only one having a hard time with this.