Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kendyllee is 7 months!!

We do not know where the time has gone. It seems like the last 7 months have flown by so fast. Here are some pictures that I have taken the last couple of days so you can all see how big and beautiful she is. ENJOY!!
Kendyllee loves her baths.

She was being so funny with her binky, I could not resist these pics.
I have no idea where she learned to do this. And she just learned this morning and has been doing it all day. What a turkey!!
Such a sweet face.
She loves to talk and jabber. I have been trying to teach her how to blow a kiss. Instead she takes her hand and puts it up to my mouth and helps me blow a kiss. She also loves to make all sorts of sound like this one. Some times she gets so carried away with it, that she will slobber all the way up to her elbow. I have decided my life must have been pretty boring before she was born. Owen and I love her so much and are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for allowing us and trusting us enough to raise this precious daughter of his. She brings so much joy and laughter into our lives everyday. We love her and are grateful for her sweet spirit in our lives.