Monday, May 25, 2009

Our new rides.

One thing that is huge here in Colorado is biking. I have been wanting a bike for a couple years now and living here just made me want one more. So I finally made the purchase and then convinced Owen to do the same. I have been riding between 3-5 miles a day, weather permitting.
This one is Owen's. I told him that I would pull Kendyllee when I was riding by myself, but if we were going together then he could do it.
Here is Kendyllee's trailer. She loves it. She just sits back there and has a conversation with herself.
Owen's againHere is mine.
I had no idea how much work it is to ride a bike. When I was younger, I could ride for hours and hours without end and not ever break a sweat. Now-a-days, it kills me to ride down the road and back. The funny thing is that my behinder is what hurts the most. I guess that just means that I need to work super extra hard to get back into shape.