Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feeding the Elk and Buffalo

We had so much fun feeding the Elk and Buffalo with dad/grampa!! I was beside my self and had such a blast on the back of the truck with dad. I helped him feed over 650 elk, 50 buffalo also and many horses. There were some times I thought I could reach out and touch them, but quickly decided that was not the best idea. Most of the pictures are not zoomed in so this is how close I was to them. I just kept thinking...that is a whole lotta jerky and burger standing there.

Aww!! Look how cute he is on the tractor.

This picture made me laugh so hard. Look at all those ears. Hehehehehe!! There are some things that make me really miss living around all that snow and being able to get good and dirty. I had the best day with dad that day. Mom drove while we were on the back feeding. It has been a very long time since my boots and pants looked like this at the end of a day of work. It was so much fun and I am so glad that I was able to have this wonderful day and make this memory with my dad. Thanks mom and dad for the fun day and thanks to Owen for staying with Kendyllee so I could go with them. Owen took these pics while driving. They are looking thru the driver side mirror. I love them. Sitting on daddy's lap and helping him drive the truck for grampa. HI MOMMY!! This is really how close I was to this monster!!! After a long day of working with grampa!!