Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tauphaus Park Zoo

Grandma and Grandpa Jensen took Kendyllee and I to the Zoo. She loved seeing all the animals. She thought the alligator was a Dinosaur. Funny girl.

She also loved all the monkeys. This one kept putting his hands on the glass. We tried getting Kendyllee to touch the glass with her hands, but there was no way that was going to happen. She felt much safer just looking at them.
Feeding the goats was another highlight of the day. She was so grown up and fed them out of her little hands.

What a big girl.
By the time we were done feeding, all the goats had eaten enough food for the rest of the day.

I love her!!

Not to happy about sitting on the lion, but I wanted a picture.
These bears were the coolest bears I have ever seen. Their noses looked so soft, almost like a piece of leather. Then their hair was all fluffy and poofy. I wished I could have pet one of them.
In this , there is a tiger. It was so hot that day, that he would not come out of his home. So this is the best pic I could get.

Kendyllee was amazed at the lions.
Simba was loving the sun and soaking up all he could.
Nala on the other hand, wanted to stay cool.
Kendyllee was so confused as to why this horse had stripes and grandpas don't.
This turtle was HUGE!!