Monday, August 10, 2009

15 Months and CrAzY!!

Kendyllee turned 15 months on Sunday!! Can you believe it? We can't. She is developing such a sense of humor and is learning new words like crazy. She can now say-mom, mommy, dad, daddy, bye-bye, meemaw, nonononono, hi, and Heidi (only once but it still counts). And she knows how to sign more, thank you, please and all done/all gone!! She is so smart and catches on to new things every day. She loves to carry her purse (the trick or treat bag my mom made her) around and put her phone and wallet in it. She also likes to hold the phone with her shoulder and pretend like she is talking on it. She has learned to open her door and so she likes to walk across the dark house in the middle of the night and into our room and wake me up just so I can take her back and put her in her own bed. She loves to give hugs and kisses to the dogs. I have her do that when she is mean to them, so now she just does it very randomly. We have to remember to push the kitchen chairs under the table or she will climb up on them and then onto the table and that is not good. She is such a wonderful addition to our family and this is just the funnest (and most work) stage ever.
We love you Kendyllee!!