Tuesday, November 17, 2009

18 MoNtHs oLd AnD pOtTy TrAiNiNg

Here is the latest adventure we have started with Kendyllee. One night when Owen was putting Kendyllee in the tub, he thought he would see what she would do if he put her on the big girl potty! Here are the pictures! I will let you decide if she liked it or not!!
She has also turned 18 months old! I just have one question for all of you!! WHERE DID OUR BABY GIRL GO??? We are amazed at her every day and the things she does! She is such a character and makes us laugh and smile so much every day!!
She loves the toilet paper!! Notice it is sitting on the counter and not on the roll!
This is for you! You know who you are!
These next two videos are the funniest videos yet!! She is talking so much and you will learn her new favorite word!! Prepare to laugh your buns off!!