Friday, December 4, 2009

18 Month Dr Appointment

Kendyllee finally had her 18 month check up. We had to cancel her first one because she was so super sick. And the first opening they had was not until today. Which worked out very well for me because Owen had today off of work and was able to go with us. She had three shots today, her flu shot, the H1n1 shot and a booster for Hep A. Owen was the lucky one this time who got to hold Kendyllee down while I had to fill out some paper work for the H1n1 shot.
The Dr.'s computer system crashed so I do not have the percentages of her statistics, but here are her measurments.
Head-19 1/2 inches
Weight- 24.8 pounds
Height- 31 3/4 inches
She is growing and is very healthy. The Dr only had one concern, and that is her not drinking milk. It has never been a concern before because she has always eaten yogurt Lately she has decided that she no longer likes yogurt but is still loving cheese. So we are to feed her yogurt when she will eat it, cheese every day and a vitamin also each day. So hopefully this will work out for us.