Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009

Owen had to work on New Year's Eve and so Kendyllee and I came up with the best idea ever. We both wanted to bring in 2010 with the Main Man in our lives, so I put Kendyllee to bed just like normal and then I stayed up. I went into her room to wake her up around 1130 and she was sitting up in her bed, I asked her if she wanted to go see daddy and she nodded her head yes and said "ya". So away we went, with our Sparking Cider (for Owen and I) and a sippy cup 1/2 full of Fruit Punch and our plastic cups. Owen had no idea we were coming and he was so excited that we had come up with this wonderful idea. Needless to say our New Year's Eve was fun and this is the only picture I took. We had not even pulled out of the garage yet and she was already yawning, so I thought for sure she was going to be asleep before we even left the drive way. Boy was I wrong. She stayed awake until we were back home and she was in her bed. I think she must have been afraid that she was going to miss the Celebration we had planned!!