Friday, October 2, 2009

A day trip to Twin Falls!

On one of the Saturdays while in Nampa, Luke and I traveled to Twin Falls to meet up with my parents, Tyson, Mandy and Brooklinn. We had a really good time. We had lunch at Arby's and then went to a park and played on the toys and watch Tyson, Luke and Dad throw the Frisbee around. The girls had a great time and I took some great pics of everyone. We also took goodies to celebrate Dad and Tyson's birthdays.

I promise she was not doing this when I took the pic. I looked at is and was totally confused because this is not what the pic looked like when I snapped it.
Grandpa even went down the spiral slide with Kendyllee.
These have got to be some of the funniest pics of Kendyllee I have ever taken. She is so expressionate!
Brooklinn was not to happy to have to share the Frisbee. She wanted to play with it all by herself.
See what I mean about not happy!
There was a bday party going on at the park. And this lady had this little tiny puppy that was only 7 weeks old. The girls would have loved on this little puppy all day long if we would have let them.
Luke threw the Frisbee up in this big tree. Here they are trying to figure out how to get it out of the tree.The bday party had used this stick to break open a pinata so dad went and asked them if he could use it.
Stretch Tyson!
We were trying to get the girls to sit on this branch so we could take their picture. That did not work out so well.
Kendyllee is telling Brooklinn to sit right here.
We were trying to get a picture of dad and the girls, instead this is what we got. The girls loving on each other! There it is!
What a great shot!
A couple days before we went to Twin, dad and Tyson were stacking some fire wood and one rolled down and landed on dad's eye. He said his eyelashes caught it because it never hit the ground.