Sunday, October 11, 2009

A great day for the park!

While my parents were visiting, the weather was very nice, so we decided to take Kendyllee to the park in our subdivision. She loves to ride in the wagon, so away we went.
Grandpa and Kendyllee swinging! I think he had just as much fun at the park as she did!!
She really loved this slide. Grandpa would lay her down and then let go, as she was sliding down she would look back up at him, wave and say "Bye Bye", then when she reached the bottom she would wave at Owen and say " Hi!" What a character!
This is Owen's imitation of Kendyllee waving at her Grandpa!! Mom and I laughed so hard at this, I thought I was going to wet my pants!!
Grandma and Kendyllee enjoying the sunshine!!