Sunday, October 11, 2009

I love my camera phone!!

I am beginning to realize how many pictures I take with my phone. A couple of years ago, when I was buying a new phone, I looked at a phone that had a camera and an MP3 player and I loved the phone because of the MP3 Player. So that is the one I bought, now I am so glad because I love the camera. At first I thought I would never use it!! Well I was completely wrong. It is always with me and so I am able to snap some the of best pics of our Kendyllee. I hope you agree!!
Her thoughts of organization!
This is what happens when Owen is outside at his Aunt and Uncles house in Logan. I was inside helping with dinner and Kendyllee was outside with Owen and his uncle BBQ the chicken and this is how they found Kendyllee!! Not the cleanest toy!!
Lovin the Corn on the Cobb MMmmm!! TOES!!
Kendyllee attacking Christopher
Destroying the play room. A great past-time for the 3 kids!!
Thanks for the purse Auntie Heidi!
Best Friends
She loves him so much!!
This is on our way home from Twin Falls. She was so tired and the sun was in her eyes! I tried hanging a blanket out the window, but the only blankey I had was too thick and the window would not close all the way so she decided to just cover her face with the blankey and block the sun that way!!She is sleeping here!!
And here!!
But not here!! She was so unhappy!! Auntie Heidi made her a cape while we were there! Helping in the back yard with the yard work!! Love the two piggies!! Her hair is getting so long!! Kendyllee attacking Brooklinn when we met in Twin Falls. This is in the Arby's there!! They love each other and always have so much fun together!!